Panel Reports

These are reports that have been issued by the panel.

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Other Publications

Report on the Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner’s Proposed Precept for 2025/26

Report on the Proposed Appointment of the Chief Constable for Gwent Police

Report on the Proposed Appointment of the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Precept for 2024/25

Report on the Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report 2022/2023

Panel response to the Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report 2021/22

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Precept for 2023/24

Revised Police and Crime Commissioners Precept for 2022/23

Police and Crime Commissioners Precept for 2022/23

Proposed Re-Appointment of the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent

Police and Crime Commissioners Precept for 2021/22

Police and Crime Commissioners Precept 2020/21

Report on the proposed appointment of the Chief Constable for Gwent

Police and Crime Commissioners Precept for 2019/20

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Precept for 2018/19 (Revised Proposed Precept)

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Precept for 2018/19

Report on the proposed appointment of the Chief Constable for Gwent Police

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Precept for 2017/18

Proposed appointment of the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Precept for 2016 -17

Panel’s report on the prosposed appointment of Chief of Staff of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Precept for 2015 -16

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Budget and Precept for 2014 -15

Miscellaneous Reports

Report on the Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner’s Draft Police and Crime Plan 2013/17

Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent Decision

Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent Decision